And Tango Makes Three

May 6, 2008

From Advocate News, about a story that my kids absolutely love…

“Gay penguin” book most hated, again

published Tuesday, May 6, 2008
A children’s story about a family of penguins with two fathers once again tops the list of library books the public objects to the most.”And Tango Makes Three,” released in 2005 and co-written by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell, was the most “challenged” book in public schools and libraries for the second straight year, according to the American Library Association. The book is based on the true story of two penguins in New York’s Central Park Zoo who became a couple and fostered a third chick named Tango.
Read the rest here.

If you’d like to buy the book, click here.


5 Responses to “And Tango Makes Three”

  1. Bianca Says:

    My kids often choose Tango Makes Three for reading time, as do the kids at the preschool where I teach. Most of the books at the preschool, including Tango Makes Three, are selected and donated by children and their parents. The book was also on the”birthday book” donation shelf at my children’s public elementary school. Perhaps books are harder to successfully challenge when they are gifts from children.

  2. Jeff Says:

    Great point!


  3. lori Says:

    I bought the book and I love it.

  4. […] Comment on And Tango Makes Three by BiancaMy kids often choose Tango Makes Three for reading time, as do the kids at the preschool where I teach. Most of the books at the preschool, including Tango Makes Three, are selected and donated by children and their parents. …Comments for Leaning Towards Justice – […]

  5. American society is very good at turning a blind eye to issues that are real and that are never going away. We are a selfish cultured society and since the majority of Americans are heterosexual, it fits the type to ban anything that does not appear common. So, it is not too surprising that even though homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom, it is much easier to proclaim a narrow viewpoint than to accept truth. We are a country of overachievers, overeaters, and plastic surgery. We point fingers without looking at our lives for error. That is the fabric that makes up modern America. So it is important that, in this mindset, to ban books that may teach and open a young person’s mind up that not everything is black and white (pardon the pun) instead of our comfortable Stepford culture that has somehow, miserably seeped into the minds of this nation. May God bless Tango always!

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